This is truly the best brussel sprouts dish I have ever made! It has become a tradition among a group of us on Salt Spring Island to celebrate Thanksgiving together, and I am expected to bring this dish. Thanks to a long-time friend who introduced me to brussel sprouts – this side dish is a HIT.
bag of brussel sprouts – approx. 4-8oz/person
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp sesame oil
sea salt
1/4 cup red wine
sesame seeds, toasted
Try to get your brussel sprouts as close in size as possible. Larger ones can be cut in half.* Heat pan on medium, add both oils and brussel sprouts, add salt and sear. As soon as they are coated add wine, reduce heat, cover, and simmer (about 5 minutes or less - depending on size).
Searing with oil imparts sweetness to your sprouts and the wine perfectly complements that sweetness.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds and enjoy this easy brussel sprout recipe
*I find the smaller sprouts have a more delicate, sweeter flavour.